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Being Well

Story – The Maverick Bluestocking gets a new Perspective

By August 14, 20148 Comments

Harriet graduatingToday, Spiritual Badass bloggers are invited to share a story. Something from our childhood or something more recent that has affected us. I love this topic because I feel story is so important. It’s how we pass on wisdom and knowledge and often how we make sense of our own lives. Especially for women.

This made me think of something that happened last week, a simple little thing that was over in seconds, that expanded my thinking. I was driving home in the dark, and as I drove through the next village to my own I noticed that two people were walking along the pavement towards me. Thinking that I had my lights on full beam, I quickly flicked the switch so as to avoid dazzling them. I hadn’t realised that I had already dipped the lights, probably an automatic reaction to being in a built up area with street lights. So I ended up doing the opposite from what I intended and momentarily blinding the pedestrians with my full beam lights. As soon as I realised this, of course, I dipped the lights again, but not before the man on the pavement raised his arm to make a rude gesture.

I wasn’t upset. Instantly, I understood what had happened and his reaction. I knew that I couldn’t stop the car, explain my mistake and apologise (well, I could have tried but as a woman driving at night it wouldn’t have been ever so wise). I had to accept that he would assume I was in the wrong and probably feel angry with me. Although of course he didn’t know who I was!

This is how this tiny incident changed my thinking. My intentions were good, I made an innocent mistake and was misunderstood and wrongly judged. I realised that I have probably done the same thing millions of times in my life, failing to understand why someone did something that seemed to be thoughtless or unkind, when in fact perhaps they were trying to help. And these situations will continue to happen as time goes on. I felt it was really important to burn this memory into my consciousness, so that I might, sometimes, if I am lucky, remember to withhold judgment in future when I feel badly treated.

Does this resonate for you? Do you have a story or stories that you use to encourage your own growth?


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