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Being Well


By October 30, 20122 Comments

I have blogged a couple of times about my mother Caroline Stack, who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis 23 years ago. A bit of a biography and an interview about the Paralympics. I know she writes poetry and I have seen a few of her poems. Today, I asked if I could have a look for one or two to post here and she handed me a large bundle. There are lots and many of them are inspirational. I chose two for today.
The first was written in May 2011:

In the early days
I said this MS
Was a curse or worse
But now I am a different person
I have lived through that thinking
It has made me more accepting
Made me stronger
Now the MS and I are one
I don’t have it I am it
Which means I cannot hate it
Or I hate me
I live my life with it
It is me and I am it

What an insight into living with a chronic, disabling illness and a lesson in acceptance. I am sure that this peace of mind has helped Mother in that the MS has progressed much more slowly than anyone expected.

The second poem is from this February:

I have been blessed
In my life
With trials not given
To everyone
For it has allowed me
To call upon
A part of my being
Which I might not have found
Just going along
With an easy pleasant life
Would not have extended me
Used the core of me
Which adversity and disability
Has called on
Therefore how blessed am I

(There is no punctuation because that is how the poems are written on pages torn from notebooks. I will ask, for next time, if she wants me to add punctuation!)

I feel privileged to have such an inspiration for a parent, and I am so glad to be able to share some of her writing which I believe has much to teach us. Please share especially if you know someone who might find these words comforting.


  • sarah doughty says:

    Ah, another fan of poetry. Here is a poem I wrote this morning, I wanted to share.

    Where thoughts go, energy flows
    creativity fuels,
    the vehicle we are in
    that speeds down the road
    we in our minds first strode.

    Now if I spend my days,
    so busy there’s no space.
    If I dash about every moment,
    Doing everything in haste.
    The day may indeed pass exceedingly fast
    But any feeling of satisfaction, are sure not to last.

    For did I stop to notice, the bird singing in the tree?
    Did I really look at things, did I really see?
    Did I take the time to hear a trouble from my child?
    Did I admire the beautiful countryside or the awesome wild?
    Did I share something today, if only just a smile?
    Did I sit and ponder life, if just for a little while?

    For although it may appear, that success follows action,
    the real highs come from a deep soul satisfaction.
    that’s found in the spaces between a conversation,
    that’s found in a true friendship with no hesitation.
    The souls of mankind are all around to see
    This poem serves as a reminder, to live reverently.

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