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Meditation Questions: What do I have to believe?

By November 9, 2014January 14th, 2020No Comments

LotusThis is a common concern. Most organised religions have a tradition of meditation and it is easy to assume that, in order to adopt any practice, we will need to have a corresponding set of religious or spiritual beliefs. Then there are those of us who have our own beliefs and don’t wish to participate in a practice that might not fit with those beliefs.

The truth is that we can all practise meditation, irrespective of our existing beliefs or lack of them. Meditation, the way we approach it in Mind Calm, is simply a matter of directing our attention to somewhere other than our own busy minds, to that place within us, which we all have, which is infinitely still and peaceful.

It does help to understand some of the theory behind the practice, and to be open minded about how easy and accessible our own inner peace might turn out to be. For that reason, we teach some theory before teaching the practice itself. Most people want to know why they are learning to do something, before they embark on that learning, as well as the benefits that they are likely to experience.

So, although we don’t ask you to hold any particular religious, spiritual or philosophical beliefs, or to change those that you hold already, we do ask you to keep an open mind as to how easy meditation might be. We will ask you to believe that you, too, can experience still silent space whenever you want to. We will invite you to discover that everything you could possibly want, in terms of peace, love, happiness, contentment and joy, already resides within you. Mind Calm helps us all to find that place.

How does that sound? If you’d like to find out more please do get in touch, or simply sign up for Tranquil News for regular updates on talks and workshops, as well as inspiring words to help keep you on the tranquil path. Have a wonderful day xxx

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