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Being Well

Stillness is the answer – going blank

By April 14, 2015No Comments

There is a blank space on this page. And here is an invitation: see if you can rest with the blankness for a while. Don’t try, don’t resist. Just see what comes up.Blank space

Some people find this challenging, even difficult. We live such busy lives that the busyness becomes addictive. Doing nothing, thinking nothing, becomes almost impossible. If you find your mind racing, filling up, when faced with emptiness, don’t worry, it’s very common.

Now, I am not suggesting you ‘let your mind go blank.’ For most of us that is a very tall order. And in Mind Calm, we don’t focus at all on emptying our minds; rather, we place our attention somewhere else entirely, and when our minds find that they are being ignored, they quite naturally and easily become quieter.

If you feel compelled to think, and if spending time doing nothing, alone with your thoughts, is so uncomfortable that you would rather be busy, perhaps you would like to find out how to slow it all down. In Mind Calm workshops we address the ‘Hidden Causes of a Busy Mind,’ explaining what it is, exactly, that compels us to think and why we get so caught up in our thoughts. And we learn techniques, so simple that we can’t believe we weren’t taught them at primary school, that help us to spend time in conscious awareness, to become still and quiet, without effort or discomfort.

If this sounds helpful, please get in touch. Contact me to find out more or come and spend time with me to learn Mind Calm. You have nothing to lose but your superfluous thoughts.

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