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Being Well

Stillness is the answer – but it’s important to move!

By April 19, 2015No Comments

Townsend Twins Circuit

In Friday’s post I talked about the importance of living in our whole bodies, not just our heads, especially if we are prone to stressful over-thinking. And I explained that water can be a helpful shortcut to encourage us to be aware of our bodies. But it is also, of course, vital to move our bodies.

Exercise, if it is kind and fun, is perfect for helping us to be aware that we live in our entire selves, and for becoming less stuck in our heads with all our busy thoughts.

I am delighted that I am getting back to my normal levels of almost daily exercise, after many months of not being able to do so much. Yesterday I enjoyed a challenging circuit class with Francesca Townsend. Chloe and Francesca, the Townsend Twins, are a fitness instructor double act with seemingly boundless energy who teach a variety of classes in Essex. They are popular with Zumba enthusiasts, children and exercise fans like myself. Their classes are always upbeat and fun and the twins themselves are supportive and reassuring while pushing us to do our best.

Townsend Twins black and white portrait

I really enjoyed the circuit, the variety of exercises and the opportunity to work almost all my muscles! I like to work hard and I certainly did that yesterday!

Exercise reminds me that I am not just a head walking around, that I live in an amazing body that looks after me and tells me what I need. And exercise calms my busy mind. Often, after I have been for a run or to a class, the things I was stressed about beforehand seem much more straightforward.

So here’s a thought for the week. If you love to exercise, do it. If you always prioritise exercise, here’s a sweaty high five and let’s enjoy. And if you think you should but never seem to get round to it, why not make this week the one that you explore the options? Try what you think you will find fun. If you used to love swimming as a child, then do that. If you have a dog, go for a longer, brisker walk. To borrow a phrase, Just Do It.

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